Silhouettes on the U Bein Bridge at sunset, Amarapura, MyanmarPeople crossing the U Bein Bridge across the Taungthaman Lake at sunset in Amarapura, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma) believed to be the oldest and longest teakwood bridge in the world
Ducks and the U Bein Bridge in Amarapura, Mandalay, MyanmarFishermen fishing with a net and ducks in front of the U Bein Bridge across the Taungthaman Lake in Amarapura, Mandalay
People crossing the U Bein Bridge at sunset, Amarapura, MyanmarPeople crossing the U Bein Bridge across the Taungthaman Lake at sunset in Amarapura, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma) believed to be the oldest and longest teakwood bridge in the world
Three young Buddhist monks at a temple in Amarapura, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Young Buddhist monks playing at a temple in Amarapura, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Gold stupa and white dhamma ceti shrines of Sandamuni Pagoda, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Young monk at the Atum Ash Monastery, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
The Nanmyintsaung Watchtower in the Royal Mandalay Palace, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Gate and bridge over the moat of the Mandalay Palace, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Su Taung Pyi Pagoda on Mandalay Hill, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
The U Bein Bridge with a fisherman walking across the Taungthaman Lake in Amarapura, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma) believed to be the oldest and longest teakwood bridge in the world
People crossing the U Bein Bridge across the Taungthaman Lake at sunset in Amarapura, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma) believed to be the oldest and longest teakwood bridge in the world
Shadows of the U Bein Bridge across the Taungthaman Lake at sunset in Amarapura, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma) believe to be the oldest and longest teakwood bridge in the world
The U Bein Bridge across the Taungthaman Lake in Amarapura, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma) believe to be the oldest and longest teakwood bridge in the world
Dyeing and drying coloured yarn for the weaving industry in Amarapura, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Train in the station in Amarapura with goats on the tracks, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
White stupa of Pahtodawgyi Pagoda in Amarapura, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Gate and temple at Kuthodaw Pagoda, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
The gold stupa of Kuthodaw Pagoda, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Southern stairway up Mandalay Hill at sunset, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Temple on the top of Mandalay Hill at sunset, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Golden stupa at Sandamuni Pagoda, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)Gold stupa of Sandamuni Pagoda, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Gold stupa ot Shwegugyi Pagoda in Amarapura, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Train in the station in Amarapura, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
White marble shrines at Kuthodaw Pagoda, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)White marble shrines containing the worlds largest book at Kuthodaw Pagoda, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Gold stupa of Sandamuni Pagoda, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
White dhamma ceti shrines at Sandamuni Pagoda, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Spires, dhamma ceti shrines, Sandamuni Pagoda, Mandalay, MyanmarWhite dhamma ceti shrines at Sandamuni Pagoda, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Roof decorations on the main hall of the Atum Ash Monastery, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Interior of the main hall of the Atum Ash Monastery, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
The Centre of the Universe in the Royal Mandalay Palace, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)The seven tiered pyatthat known as the Centre of the Universe and the Great Audience Hall in the Royal Mandalay Palace, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)